The front of the airplane (or in some cases, the top) is a mythical place for the vast majority of travelers — magical place where you can relax on a lie-flat bed, enjoy an expensive glass of champagne, and eat food that is actually (usually) edible. How much you appreciate this experience depends on the type of premium cabin traveler you are. For some, any premium product is incredible. For others, only the finest makes the grade.
The Rookie Premium Cabin Traveler
The Rookie is exactly what it sounds like – someone who is finally able to take their first trip in business or first class. Maybe you’ve scraped together enough miles to upgrade or treat yourself, or maybe you just started a job that allows for flying in the front on long trips.

If you’re in this category, everything is awesome. Even a 170-degree lie-flat is comfortable compared to the dreaded 3-4-3 economy cabin of many 777s. The food is several degrees more enjoyable – and even a US carrier’s service is a step up. Simply put, expectations are low, and nearly every product in the sky will seem great. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Welcome to the front of the plane – you’ve earned it, one way or another. Enjoy the experience!
The Experienced Premium Cabin Traveler
This is the next stage after flying business class a dozen times or so. You’ve started to figure out what’s what in terms of premium cabins, but you’re still appreciating the experience every step of the way. You haven’t forgotten your roots in economy and realize that every business class experience is vastly superior. But… now some of the gleam is off, and you notice some of the nuances and flaws.

You realize that most US Carriers (and British Airways) don’t have the same level of service as many foreign carriers. You notice which footwells are a little more cramped than others. And you start to realize that there is a difference between “good for airplane food” and “good food, period.”
The Junkie
This is the final stage of evolution for the premium cabin traveler. This is when you’ve traveled quite often – maybe you’re logging a ton of miles for work, maybe you review for a living, or maybe you just have a lifestyle that supports lots of bling. But at this point, you’re chasing the next thrill.
Your seat better come with a door. If your A380 doesn’t have a bar or other amenities, you’re rolling your eyes. If the champagne doesn’t crack $100 a bottle, puh-leaze – swipe left! Being able to pre-order a lobster dish is a must and a lack of caviar is a big red flag.

The Junkie is the ultimate – but it’s a double-edged sword. You’ve experience it all, but finding satisfaction is harder than ever.
We’ve Got You Covered
No matter what type of premium cabin traveler you are, we’ve got you covered. We have aggregated reviews from across the internet to give you a comprehensive look at what other people think of the many, many premium products across the world. If you’re redeeming your first-ever award or seeking the latest thrill, Premium Travel Insider has the information organized for you to see what the internet thinks of the various premium cabins across the world.