Sydney Qantas First Class Lounge Reviews

The Sydney Qantas First Class Lounge is considered an inspirational lounge and one of the best in the world. The lounge scored perfectly across all categories across our aggregated scores of Sydney Qantas First Class Lounge reviews. With a bar, full-service restaurant, and complimentary 20-minute spa treatments, you’re in for an excellent experience. Although rotated regularly, reviews praise the quality—and quantity—of champagne varieties available.

What to Look Forward To: Delicious food and full-service dining, quality champagne, and 20-minute complimentary spa treatments

What to Watch Out for: Mixed availability of power outlets, only Australian-style outlets

As a reminder, Premium Travel Insider aggregates reviews from around the web and scores them on a 1-3 scale. A 3 indicates that a given category exceeded reviewer expectations, a 2 indicates it met expectations, and a 1 failed to meet expectations. You can learn more about our methodology here.

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Overall Picture

Last Updated: 3/8/20

Lounge Scores

Sydney First Class Lounge seating (Credit: Wikicommons user Calistemon)

Seating: 3/3

Food: 3/3

Drink: 3/3

Bathrooms: 3/3

Cleanliness: No Ratings

Views: 3/3

WiFi Speed: 3/3

Detailed Sydney Qantas First Class Lounge Reviews

Number of Reviews in Our Database: 8

Number of Different Sites Reviewing: 8

Level of Detail: 1.88/3 (Below Average)

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Premium Travel Insider scores overall ratings on a 1-3 scale, and individual category ratings 1-3. Higher is better. NR = not rated by the reviewer or insufficiently reviewed to score. UNK = unknown. 0 = that product was not offered.

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